Imagine waking up feeling invigorated every day.

Reconnect to your purpose and find fulfillment at work.

Welcome to Lived & Loved.

Fulfillment is not one-size-fits-all.

Purpose + Career equations are different for each person — from complete separation of work and purpose to complete overlap.

If you’re ready to make a pivot - we are here to help.


At Lived and Loved, we help mid-career professionals reconnect work and purpose.

We ask great questions, help you think differently, and build a plan to get you from here to there.

We want you to wake up every day feeling confident in your purpose and truly fulfilled.

Our founder Katie chats purpose


We want to build a world where professionals feel connected to their work.

Many people say:

I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.

This points to a distant, more purposeful future out there.

Too many people are waking up on Monday, dreading the start of the work week.

At Lived and Loved, we want to change this dynamic. It’s time to wake up excited each day.

  • In 2023, 67% of people were NOT engaged at work


  • 74% of disengaged people are looking for new opportunities


  • 53% of workers with a postgrad degree see work as CENTRAL to their overall identity

    PEW research

  • 75% of people have experienced burnout at work

    flexjobs research

What if instead you had:

  • A crystal clear picture of your purpose

  • Confidence in your future path

  • A plan to take you from here to there

Hi, I’m Katie, founder of Lived and Loved.

I unlocked my purpose with story.

Writing and sharing my purpose story was how I found my footing and remembered who I was after my sister died.

When I faced a career crossroads, it helped me discover my next steps and move forward with confidence.

Uncovering your purpose story can change your life. I can’t wait to share this journey with you.

We specialize in purpose.

In the midst of automation, remote work, and separation - our purpose stories are what connect us.

They help us see our place in the world.

They make a memorable impression in a crowded job market.

And they can create moments of engagement with our networks.

No matter where you are on your journey, we are passionate about uncovering your purpose story and fueling your success.

Peak Purpose Program

  • Mid-career professionals who want to rediscover the passion and purpose in their work.

  • A transformative process that helps you see your purpose more clearly and make intentional choices about how to align what you do with what you care about most.

Our clients love the deep reflection:

  • "I never would have thought such insightful information about me could come out of an email a week with a question which generally took me 5-10 mins"

  • "The questions Katie asks encourage careful reflection and honesty with oneself"

  • "it will start you on a journey of introspection, self-love and gratitude for your life’s journey"

  • "This was a very thought provoking exercise that took me through the spectrum of emotions."